
Hello, I'm Mark Roseberry, a technology enthusiast based in Anchorage, Alaska. I have a lifelong passion for exploring the latest technological advancements and developing innovative solutions to complex problems. With a strong commitment to staying on the cutting edge of emerging trends and technologies, I have acquired expertise in cloud computing, security, and AI/machine learning, among other areas.

When I'm not immersed in the world of technology, I enjoy exploring the great outdoors and taking in all that Alaska has to offer. Hiking, camping, and fishing are some of my favorite pastimes, and I also love to travel and experience new cultures. In my downtime, I enjoy reading about the latest developments in science and technology, and experimenting with various projects.

Overall, I believe that my passion for technology, combined with my diverse range of hobbies and interests, makes me a well-rounded and dynamic individual. I'm excited to see where my career in technology takes me next and am eager to continue learning and growing both professionally and personally.